Best Marketing Conference Sponsorship

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One of the best ways to get your brand’s identity out to your target audience is by investing in marketing conference exhibiting and launching a marketing conference sponsorship. As a sponsor, your organization will be featured prominently in front of a group of active, engaged event attendees. The best part? You’ll get to speak directly to the customers or clients who need your services the most. So, how can you ensure that yours is the best marketing conference sponsorship, and where can you find opportunities to get started? Below, we’ll take a look at the answers to these questions and more.

What Is an Example of Sponsorship?

A conference sponsorship is an opportunity that benefits both the conference and the sponsor in multiple ways. A sponsor might fund certain sessions or activities, for example, or agree to provide services for the event. 

Sponsors have an opportunity to engage with their target audience, build brand awareness, and increase their visibility. In turn, they are assisting the greater mission of the conference by helping the conference reach budget goals and facilitating a diverse and compelling attendee experience.

Sponsorship Packages Examples

There are a variety of forms a sponsorship can take. Most marketing conferences offer different packages to potential sponsors, so a sponsor can choose the option that’s best for them. Packages are generally tailored to the goals of potential sponsors, and each is designed to entice certain organizations to sign on as sponsors for the event. A few examples of common sponsorship packages are listed below.

  • Tiered Sponsorships – Tiered sponsorships offer potential sponsors an opportunity to involve themselves in the conference according to their financial means. The highest-paying sponsors receive prime booth locations and occupy the premier slots in brochures and promotional material. Tiered sponsorship opportunities are great for budget-minded organizations that want to control how much they contribute and what they get in return.
  • Custom Package – Also known as an a la carte package, this option allows sponsors to fully customize what they pay and what they get for their contribution.
  • In-Kind Sponsorship – Smaller organizations may lack the means to commit significant financial resources to an event. However, by donating volunteer hours, promotional materials, and items such as food, beverages, and equipment, they can still contribute to the conference and receive exposure as a result.

Successful Sponsorship Examples: DigiMarCon

DigiMarCon is the premier digital marketing event. With over 40 annual conferences held around the world, DigiMarCon is a great opportunity for organizations to reap the benefits of conference sponsorship. 

There are many sponsorship package examples from past conferences that might help you get a better idea of what a sponsorship opportunity could look like at an upcoming conference. In return for your sponsorship, you will get access to the best networking opportunities, potential lead generation, and a prime opportunity to showcase your brand.

Take a look at these testimonies and successful sponsorship examples:

“Great two days hosting and partnering with @digimarcon APAC. The digital revolution is here, and we are excited to be embracing all aspects to better deliver quality to our clients.”  – The PR People

“Thank you to DigiMarCon for an amazing experience! We’ve enjoyed meeting with the best of the marketing industry these past few days, and we’ve had the pleasure to share our expertise in the B2B field. We look forward to the next one!” – Pragmattica Consulting

What Does Event Sponsorship Include?

Conference sponsorship opportunities come packed with benefits. It’s all about visibility.  The best marketing conference sponsorship opportunities, such as sponsorship at DigiMarCon, will put your organization in front of an enthusiastic crowd of attendees.  Plus, you’ll be surrounded by some of the biggest players in digital marketing. 

This exposure will help elevate your brand, help generate sales leads, and offer incredible opportunities to network with other agencies in the marketing field. Sponsorship is a win-win for the conference and the sponsor, so make sure to get in on the action!

Final Thoughts

Conference sponsorship is a great way to showcase your brand to a wide audience of potential clients. By contributing to the overall success of the conference, you will be rewarded with quality connections that can really help bolster your brand.

Are you ready to bring your ideas and solutions to an energized crowd of digital marketers? Click here to learn more about DigiMarCon sponsorship opportunities. Sponsorship is one of the best ways to show the world what your business can do for them.