Presentation: Account Based Marketing

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Account Based Marketing

Amanda Louw Bester
Pragmattica Digital Consulting

A comprehensive masterclass introducing you to B2B marketing and the types of B2B marketing strategies and trends. Leading into a journey of Account Based Marketing with best practices and key pricniples to adopt to ensure a successful ABM strategy is executed. We’ll highlight the importance of sales and marketing departments working together in a cohesive manner, and unpack how ABM can be applied to within your organization. Furthermore, we’ll share some key insights and lessons learned from ABM projects we’ve worked on.
Key Takeaways:
By the end of this session, you will have a clearer understanding of Account Based Marketing and how to differentiate it from other forms of marketing. Establish how ABM can be applied within your organizationIdentify common pitfalls and red flags and how to mitigate them.

