Presentation: Advanced ABM – what it is, how to do it right, and the impact it has on a business

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Advanced ABM – what it is, how to do it right, and the impact it has on a business

Rob Griffin
SVP Performance
BOL Agency

BOL will dive into the next level of Account-Based Marketing, uncovering the question of “”what’s next”” for your ABM efforts. We will uncover the six elements of next-gen ABM and how brands can stop struggling to get ABM right. Key takeaways include:
• ABM is about the strategy, the targets, the marketing program, the content, the measurements and the alignment;
• The future of ABM means thinking beyond the click;
• A holistic approach to building successful customer relationships at scale happens when brand, demand and ABM align.
• At the end of the day, ABM should do two things: Help you accelerate your pipeline and accelerate the list of accounts in your pipeline.

