Presentation: Esports for Business Impact: How to Successfully Navigate One of the Fastest Growing Industries in the World uk on demand

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Esports for Business Impact: How to Successfully Navigate One of the Fastest Growing Industries in the World

Chris Parnell
Esports for Business Impact: How to Successfully Navigate One of the Fastest Growing Industries in the World
Kairos Media

Esports, known as Electronic Sports, is a form of organised multiplayer video gaming events, typically between professional ‘gamer’ athletes in a live setting.
The explosive growth of this incredible industry has started catching the eye of huge-spending marketers including Audi, Coca-Cola, PepsiCo, Gillette and Bud Light. They are among the brands putting money into esports in hopes to reach the sport’s demographic sweet spot: males between the ages of 21 to 35 who are increasingly hard to reach via traditional advertising.

“if you are a CMO are you are not in esports in 2017, you are going to risk getting fired” (Tobias Sherman – Global Head of esports at WME-IMG)

It’s on the rise, but how and why should brands invest? What’s the right path? In this session we explore this topic further and begin to un-pick this incredible sector.


