Presentation: How We Train Robots: A Practical Guide To Data-Driven Automation in Google & Facebook Ads

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How We Train Robots: A Practical Guide To Data-Driven Automation in Google & Facebook Ads

Chris Mechanic,
Co-founder & Chief Growth Officer

Once upon a time, buying ads on Google & Facebook was easy (& profitable!). But over the years, it got complicated (& expensive!). Luckily, there’s ONE game-changing & still under-the-radar source of competitive advantage that any advertiser can access with little/no cost… though almost none do (yet). This session explores the wonders of Google & Facebook’s own “native” machine learning engines, and how advertisers can win by interfacing with these “algobots” more intentionally…and better “training” the machines to drive better/faster/cheaper advertising outcomes. This session is for the paid media professional (or enthusiast!) that would like a strategy to improve ROAs, scale spend beyond a plateau or otherwise have a competitive edge in the auctions.

