Personalization: Always Been Here, Ever Changing

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Personalization: Always Been Here, Ever Changing

Vangie Cleversey
SVP, Customer Success

I want to have my cake and eat it, too.
That’s the internal mantra of the modern consumer. As technology has advanced, consumer options have expanded. With the vast sea of choices a mere Google away, their expectations have also changed.
They want experiences tailored to them. Gone are the days of the you get what you get and you don’t get upset mentality of organizations. Now, we must personalize customer experiences to stand out among the crowd. To meet those expectations, we must prioritize technology, personalization strategy, and customer data usage. The competitive edge lies within crafting the right messages, delivering them when, where, and to whom they’re most effective, investing in wise data use, and treating every customer interaction as a chance to win loyalty.
In this session, we’ll cover the challenges of personalizing customer experiences and what organizations are doing to address those challenges.

