Acquisition, engagement and retention: Using marketing to take on streaming’s top challenges

May 04, 2023

By Wurl

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Streaming is having its moment in the spotlight. Last year, streaming surpassed cable viewing for the first time. Meanwhile, the number of adults accessing streaming video platforms has outpaced those with cable or satellite service.

With audiences continuing to flock to Internet-enabled viewing, the opportunity for streamers and content publishers has never been stronger. At the same time, streaming isn’t immune to the growing pains other industries have faced: a hyper-competitive market, rising customer expectations and turnover and an overall fragmented ecosystem. It’s an exceedingly difficult environment for streamers and publishers to deliver content audiences love and keep them interested.

As the streaming industry matures, marketing will play a critical role in helping platforms succeed. By understanding the challenges surrounding acquisition, engagement and retention, streamers and publishers can develop tailored marketing strategies to reach the right audiences and convert them to loyal viewers.

Amid the proliferation of services, acquisition relies on marketing to stand out

Viewer acquisition is a critical — if not the number-one — challenge for streamers and publishers. With an unprecedented number of streaming apps and channels available on the market, it is more difficult than ever to get noticed.

Currently, there are more than 200 streaming services in the United States alone. The global streaming market continues to add new subscription-based video-on-demand (SVOD) offerings, increasing the likelihood of consumers canceling services to switch to others that have the content they want to watch.

Heightening the competition for viewers is the fact that some free ad-supported TV (FAST) services now include more than 350 channels, leaving audiences drowning in a sea of options and less likely to stay engaged. In a recent survey, 58% of respondents agreed that ensuring content is visible and discoverable is one of the key hurdles in launching and monetizing a FAST channel.

With many reasons behind viewer churn, marketing strategies need to level up

As hundreds of connected TV (CTV) streaming apps become available, viewer churn on SVOD and advertising-based video-on-demand (AVOD) channels are reaching critically high levels — with most SVODs seeing monthly churn between 4%–7% of their global subscriber base. As of late 2022, combined subscription cancellations across the 10 leading SVOD services rose by 14%.

So, why do viewers churn? It’s essential to understand the many factors that can be in play.

Often, consumers either can’t find the content that interests them or lose excitement for the content with which they’re already familiar. Others may be “rotational subscribers” who pay for a streaming service to access specific content at a particular moment, such as subscribing to ESPN+ only to stream the Masters Tournament and then canceling afterward. Or, this type of viewer may maintain a specific number of subscriptions and rotate one out from time to time to keep their access to content fresh.

Other times, viewers simply subscribe to the platforms they do as a result of a good deal. For example, Amazon Prime users get Prime Video along with their membership.

As streamers and publishers have …read more

Source:: Digiday