Crafting Your Content Blueprint for the Rest of 2023 With Creator Modern Millie

October 30, 2023

By Modern Millie

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If you fell off the bandwagon of sticking to your New Year’s Resolution to become a content creator, you’re not too late.

Fall is the best time of year to get started, so I want to walk you through my step-by-step process for planning out the next four months of content. This process is the same one I’ve used to grow my brand, Modern Millie — it’s helped me achieve over 350K subscribers on my YouTube channel, and over 140K followers on Instagram.

Whether you‘re a content creator or enterprise marketer, I have no doubt you’ll find something in this process that will work for you. Let’s jump in.

Why is the fall the best time of year to start creating?

There are two major reasons the fall (primarily September through November) is one of the best times of the year to create content:

  1. During the summer, the sun is out longer, people go on vacation, and kids aren’t in school so you’ll often see a dip in engagement on social media since people are outdoors more.
    Going into the fall season, it starts to get darker sooner, people fall back into their routines, and they get back into consuming social media.
  2. You’re able to use the holidays to your advantage.

Here’s Stephanie, as an example.

Last year, Stephanie was getting ready to give up on being a content creator, but instead through my coaching, she worked on this four-month content strategy. From September through December, this is what happened:

  • She posted 61 Reels (one video every other day)
  • 16 of them got over 100,000 views
  • 7 of them hit over 1,000,000 views
  • Her most watched video received 36,000,000 views and landed her on Good Morning America
  • She grew from 8K to 75K followers

Now that you can see the power of increasing your content creation efforts in the fall, let’s jump into my process.

Step One: Pick Your Platform

While the example I used talked about Instagram, this strategy can work for any of the three social platforms: Instagram, YouTube and TikTok.

Pick one to start with at the beginning of your growth journey. This way you can put 100% energy into mastering the platform, as opposed to 33% energy into Instagram, 33% into YouTube, and 33% into TikTok (that would get you slower results).

Step Two: Pick Your Posting Frequency

This is going to be a schedule that you know you can realistically keep up with for the next three to four months. It has to be realistic for you, and something you can adapt into your current lifestyle. These are common frequencies that we see online:

➡️ YouTube: Once a week
➡️ Instagram: 3-5x per week
➡️ TikTok: Daily

Once you know how often you want to post, plug that into a calendar to see how many videos total you will be creating each month (see image for example). This is a number we …read more

Source:: HubSpot Blog