How advertisers are shifting mindsets to succeed amid iOS 15 and other identity challenges

November 24, 2021

By Mike Madarasz

On top of the impending cookie deprecation, Apple’s recent iOS 15 changes are causing concern for many advertisers by affecting pixels, IP addresses and email addresses.

While these upcoming changes may be concerning for many, shifting mindsets and getting away from a binary way of thinking with solutions being 100% contextual or 100% universal IDs can help stakeholders put the pieces together and tackle these challenges and those still yet to come.

And this is not uncharted territory; there have been dynamic approaches throughout the recent history of the advertising industry, with some solutions having never needed cookies at all.

In this article, we’ll look at four essential mindsets for succeeding in the face of identity challenges, such as the iOS 15 updates and the disappearance of the last of third-party tracking technology.

With Apple blocking pixels, advertisers will need to look at email metrics beyond open rates

Apple’s iOS 15 update blocks open pixels, and while this is scary to some, our experts say to embrace it.

Experts at Stirista see this as an opportunity to bring the industry back to reality, one in which marketers are focusing more on their message and are relying on more modern, more accurate and viable attribution tools that they should have been using all along.

Some businesses guarantee 10%-20% open rates, but those numbers are generally picked out of a hat and seldom hold much significance.

“At the outset of a short- or long-term email engagement, it’s important to set KPIs that are as close to business results as possible,” said Aaron Grote, senior director of identity and attribution products at Stirista. “Using both online and offline datasets to represent transactions and customers can create a layered measurement approach that looks at sales lift and matches it back to first-party sales, such as transaction data.”

While this may seem daunting, it doesn’t have to be. Grote offered more advice on how to make this transition as smooth as possible.

“Don’t put all your eggs in one basket and start the conversation early,” he said. “That will give you time to answer the questions that may come up when speaking across the company and with vendors. It gives you time to find out what data you have, what can be shared and how.”

Limitations on targeting IP addresses are changing the way users are tracked online

The iOS 15 update also allows users to hide their IP addresses, which will limit how third parties track users across the internet. With these updates, marketers will need to focus on more meaningful email engagement, Digiday reports.

“The first step is to ask all vendors what impact on their systems they anticipate, what options they have in place to enable performance and what items they have on their roadmap to improve the performance of their marketing,” said Grote.

With the continual push for more data privacy, advertisers must accept some new normals moving forward.

“Advertisers are going to have to accept that a meaningful share of …read more

Source:: Digiday