How Private AI Tools Will Help You Supercharge Your Advertising Strategy, According to Experts at Mekansim

November 13, 2023

By Jeff MacDonald and Jason Harris

Free Report: The State of Artificial Intelligence in 2023

While AI is a hot topic as of late, it’s been around for a long time.

At our agency, Mekanism, we are seeing beyond the hype and exploring how AI will impact all aspects of marketing, including research, strategy, creativity, and performance.

And one area poised for disruption? Advertising.

Here, let’s explore how private AI tools can transform your advertising strategy.

An AI Tool is Only as Powerful As the Data You Provide

Through our adoption of AI tools there’s one common trait we’ve noticed in our evaluations: There’s nothing inherently special about many of the AI tools out there. What’s special is the inputs we put into them, and the data we provide each tool.

Like many people will tell you with AI: It’s garbage in, garbage out. You want to make sure that the dataset you are using with any AI tool is the best you can provide.

This means collecting whatever first-party data you can to make your outputs from AI as productive and personalized as possible.

For instance, to receive a powerful AI-generated marketing plan, you’ll want to incorporate client expectations, first-party data around the consumers you’re trying to reach, past examples of campaigns and their performance, etc.

Our thesis for the solution to this problem: The future of AI in advertising will be setting up bespoke internal AI tools that safeguard clients’ data, and providing personalized marketing.

The Five Elements You’ll Need to Incorporate Into Your AI Tools for Stronger Advertising

There are a few key elements that a corporate AI tool will need to be successful when it comes to advertising. Let’s jump into those, now.

1. A shared prompt library.

A shared prompt library is a collective resource across your organization that allows for anyone to share their best prompts for completing work. By sharing this information, you help onboard your team members to better leverage AI.

Consolidating and protecting your prompt libraries also address privacy concerns. Prompt libraries help centralize the knowledge around AI, and reduce any loss of productivity when people leave the organization.

2. A document library.

A document library inside of an internal AI tool is the personalized training that you bring to any LLM (large language models). This library is the “brain” of your organization’s AI and should include any relevant documentation that can train the AI to provide more personalized results.

The library can include a brand’s past campaigns, competitors’ campaigns, results of campaigns, data around your consumer, and results from past brainstorms.

3. Brand tone and voice guidelines.

As part of that library, there should be a Brand Tone and Voice Guideline document that clearly states what would and wouldn’t be in any communications from your brand. This document should be weighted heavier than others in training to help maintain your brand in any generated …read more

Source:: HubSpot Blog