How to Generate Leads on Social Media

March 14, 2023

By Olivia Deng

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According to HubSpot research, 77% of social media marketers say their marketing specialty has been somewhat to very effective for their company this year. With 4.70 billion worldwide users, social media is a force to be reckoned with.

Our phones might as well become extensions of our hands — from blasting off spur-of-the-moment tweets to perusing Instagram for makeup inspiration, social media is a dominant force in our lives that spans generations. That’s why businesses need to tune into social media for lead generation.

How can you leverage social media in your business’ favor and turn it into a force for lead generation?

In this post, we’ll cover the following topics:

  • What is social media lead generation
  • Why businesses generate social media leads
  • How to generate social media leads

The platforms mentioned above are just a few examples of the social media channels people frequent to share content, catch up with friends, read up on the latest news, gather inspiration, or simply browse.

A quality social media lead is one that will provide useful information and engage with your business. While useful information varies, it generally includes name, occupation, and email address.

Why Businesses Generate Social Media Leads

Why turn to social media to generate leads? Social media is pervasive — it has become interwoven into our daily lives. According to Pew Research Center, 7 in 10 Americans use social media.

With the vast majority of people on social media, it would be imprudent for brands to overlook it as a bountiful and rich source for generating leads.

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Both B2B and B2C marketers can implement a wide range of strategies to capture leads.

Social media helps businesses enhance lead generation efforts by increasing brand awareness, fostering engagement, and driving website traffic.

Factors That Boosts Social Media Lead Generation

Brand Awareness

Increasing your brand awareness is key to reaching your target audience. It is the foundation of acquiring a customer audience and helping them learn more about your products and services with authentic, informative, and engaging content.

Social media is excellent for building brand awareness and showcasing your brand’s ethos. According to HubSpot research, content that reflects your brand’s values and showcases your products/services have the highest ROI on Instagram.


Sharing relevant and high quality content leads to increased engagement with your audience. Engagement is key to retaining loyal customers who can vouch for your brand.

Website Traffic

Social media presents a great opportunity to drive website traffic. With content offers, you can bring visitors to your website.

How to Generate Social Media Leads

Generating leads on social media can take form in a number of ways.

In this section, we highlight the best strategies overall, then dive into targeted strategies for specific social media platforms: Instagram, Facebook, YouTube TikTok, LinkedIn, and Twitter.

Best Strategies Overall

1. Optimize your social media pages.

Your profile is what people …read more

Source:: HubSpot Blog