Publicis’ Profitero debuts new GPT-powered chatbot to analyze e-commerce data

August 02, 2023

By Marty Swant

In case marketers didn’t have enough chatbots to spend time with these days, there’s a new one from the world of e-commerce that aims to help companies connect the dots across the fragmented but burgeoning world of retail media.

Built with OpenAI’s enterprise-grade version of the tech behind ChatGPT, Publicis-owned Profitero is launching Ask Profitero, which can analyze data for 1,000 brands in 50 countries including price, availability, search rank, ratings and reviews, photos, images, videos and texts. The chat-based AI assistant, which debuts today, can tell a user about their competitors’ best-selling products in a specific month, the most important keywords in their category, or suggest product titles to help improve search rank. It can also provide other types of commerce analytics like product attributes are most important for a shopper even if the terms weren’t explicitly used in their search. (Terms like “gluten-free” and “sugar-free” are key attributes for mouthwash, according to Profitero’s demo.)

Ask Profitero also can also provide companies with other types of commerce analytics. For example, it can look at the availability of a certain product, summarize reviews into key themes and turn insights into charts when a user asks to “make it pretty.” Some features will be available for free within Profitero’s current platform, but the company plans to charge extra for using the predictive tools.

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Source:: Digiday