The 10 Types of Content That Work Best for SEO – Whiteboard Friday

December 08, 2016

By randfish

Posted by randfish

After analyzing hundreds of SERPs over the past few weeks, Rand has identified the 10 distinct content types that work best for SEO and classified which formats are suited for certain queries. In today’s Whiteboard Friday, he explains those content types and how to use them to satisfy searcher intent, match them to the right projects, and enhance your overall strategy.

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Video Transcription

Howdy, Moz fans, and welcome to another edition of Whiteboard Friday. This week we’re going to chat about the types of content, content formats that tend to work well for SEO, and I’m talking specifically about content rather than sort of an e-commerce product page or a contact page or those types of things, and that’s because what we want to try and do here is talk about those of you who are doing content strategy and content marketing and choosing which content formats you should potentially use.

So I actually spent a bunch of time over the last few weeks analyzing a few hundred search results, of many, many different kinds, trying to identify the unique, diverse kinds of search results in which content marketing pieces ranked or the types of pieces that would fit into the content marketing world rank.

10 content formats that appeared regularly atop Google

So I made this list of 10. There are actually 11, but I don’t particularly recommend all 11 of these, and what I’ve done is, below the video, you can see in the text content of this Whiteboard Friday I’ve made a list. For each of these 11, I have a URL that’s a good example of this and a search query for which that URL ranks, so you can get a sense of what this type of stuff looks like. So you’re probably familiar with most of these formats:

  1. Blog posts and those could have regular updates or be republished on a regular basis
    e.g. Live & Dare’s Benefits of Meditation (ranks for Meditation Benefits)
  2. Short-form evergreen content and articles
    e.g. Jim Collin’s Piece on Big, Hairy, Audacious Goals (ranks for BHAG)
  3. Long-form articles
    e.g. Wait Buy Why on the Fermi Paradox (ranks for Fermi Paradox)
  4. Photo and visual galleries, I found a lot of these ranking, especially for things that lent themselves to it, for example if you were to search for men’s haircuts styles.
    e.g. Right Hairstyle’s 100 Cool Short Hairstyles for Men/ (ranks for men’s hair styles)
  5. Detailed and information-rich lists of information
    e.g. Wareable’s Best Fitness Trackers of 2016 (ranks for Fitness Trackers)
  6. Interactive tools and content, got some good examples of those.
    e.g. Zoopla’s House Prices Tool (ranks for property prices)
  7. Comprehensive category landers, so this would be like if you search for kitchen designs, how you might land on Houzz’s page of various kitchen designs …read more

    Source:: Moz Blog