Top 10 Take-Aways From Forrester’s B2B Summit North America

June 13, 2023

By Lane Ellis

What can B2B marketers learn from the top presentations that were on tap during Forrester’s recent B2B Summit North America 2023 event?

Forrester’s B2B Summit North America conference — which took place in Austin, Texas as well as online — explored how B2B sales, marketing and product leaders can defy uncertainty with consistent and scalable B2B growth, and featured an array of top industry speakers.

Let’s take a peek at some of the key B2B marketing takeaways from this compelling event, in the form of social messages surrounding the event that have particularly resonated with B2B marketers.

Forrester’s B2B Summit North America

1 — Augmented Reality Without A Headset

2 — Celebrating Women Leaders In B2B Marketing

3 — Business Buyers & Customer-Obsessed Growth Engines

4 — Galactic Growth Genius & Luna

5 — The Four-Plus Dimensions Of Value

6 — Learning From Early Adopters

We’ve featured insight from several B2B marketing industry speakers from Forrester here on the TopRank Marketing blog over the years, including our CEO Lee Odden’s “Forrester: Most Thought Leadership Isn’t Thoughtful or Leading: We Need to Fix That!,” featuring Lisa Gately, principal analyst at Forrester.

Gately presented during B2B Summit North America 2023, and pointed out how early adopters pushing the boundaries of AI have lessons to help B2B marketers improve their efforts.

7 — B2B Magic From The Blending Of Art …read more

Source:: Top Rank Blog