Top 5 Lessons B2B Marketers and Influencers Can Learn From Barbie

August 17, 2023

By Casey Borrero

The ‘Barbie’ movie, the hottest film of the summer, is a marketing machine, with strong brand awareness. Whether on an app on your mobile phone or in pop-up museums in your city, the influence of Barbie can be seen seemingly everywhere!

Undoubtedly, the marketing team behind the movie has done an exceptional job, inspiring me and other marketers to rethink our strategies. You might say Barbie is the ultimate influencer, and the marketing team behind the movie at the top of their game.

Interestingly, the ‘Barbie’ movie provides valuable insights that can be effectively applied to B2B influencer marketing. Now, let’s explore some of the key lessons we can learn from this enchanting film.

1 — Embrace Diversity

Like the Barbie franchise celebrates diversity in its characters, B2B influencer marketing should also embrace diversity in its content and collaborations. Influencers help brands reach a wider audience and foster inclusivity by including different perspectives and voices.

The ‘Barbie’ movie explores themes such as overcoming stereotypes, breaking down barriers, and promoting inclusivity. By addressing these issues head-on, the film encourages viewers to challenge preconceived notions and embrace people for who they truly are.

“Like the Barbie franchise celebrates diversity in its characters, B2B influencer marketing should also embrace diversity in its content and collaborations.” — Casey Borrero @CaseygBorrero
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2 — Authenticity is Vital

The ‘Barbie’ movie teaches us the importance of staying true to oneself. In the B2B marketing world, you want influencers to be authentic and genuine in their messaging. This builds trust with the audience and establishes credibility. This credibility frequently results in the formation of a supportive community of followers.

A great example is Pam Didner, with her deep understanding of content marketing, global marketing strategies, and practical expertise in the field.  She shares real-world examples and reasonable advice based on her own experiences via her blog, books, and social media posts. As a bonus, she’s transparent about her journey, success, failures, and lessons learned from them, making her relatable and authentic. B2B influencers must take note if they truly want to grow their fan-base.

“In the B2B marketing world, you want influencers to be authentic and genuine in their messaging. This builds trust with the audience and establishes credibility.” — Casey Borrero @CaseygBorrero
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3 — Tell Compelling Stories

The ‘Barbie’ movie captivates viewers with engaging storytelling. Similarly, B2B marketers and influencers should focus on crafting compelling narratives that resonate with their target audience.

Want to leave a lasting impact like Barbie? Stories evoke emotions and connect with people on a deeper level. Sales influencer Morgan Ingram always does a great job with his storytelling.

Crafting content in the form of storytelling on LinkedIn* enhances search engine rankings, establishes expertise, boosts user interaction, and offers additional avenues for compelling calls to action. Morgan creates interesting posts that entice his audience to read more. Two really good examples are his posts about …read more

Source:: Top Rank Blog